The last sort of negative is just the minimalist use of the maximals and the preds like that it cheetor,tigertron, and rat trap didn't do much air razor was a guidance counselor and I guess rat trap did things? He pushed a button thats it. The all spark being the collective unconsciousness isn't something I remember from the lore before (could be wrong) but fealt like one of the writers read a Jordan Peterson book and thought it was enlightening so points lost there and it kinda drags on.A lot at times.

Megatron was turned into scorpinoc and optimus became depth charge which wasn't to bad but it took away a lot of the weight to the characters. The once legendary warrior suffered the most from the rewrites and was widdled down to a conflicted soldier and not a honorable warrior. The rewritten Megatron and optimus were pretty bad but of all the sacred transformers laws we have one rule. The positives were a revival of the maximals and predicons for the first time in years but they weren't the same characters except for black arachnia. I can't tell if i just overhyped my expectations for the return of my favorite transformers in decades or if the story was just meh. As I recall, before Beast Machines aired, Primal and the remaining maximals discovered the Ark on Earth (where Primal fused with Prime's spark) when they were Transmetals and had used the ship to leave Earth and return home. I could pick apart all of the other Beast Wars characters in this way, but I will leave it to others to write about - in general, they all felt empty and devoid of authenticity.Īnother issue about this series is that it hardly aligns with the events of Beast Wars and thus makes little sense to a fan of the series. Megatron is submissive and idiotic the entire time, acting like an obsessive schoolgirl. As others have noted, Dinobot was written to be a card-carrying member of Weenie Hut Juniors.
Optimus Primal was made out to be an absolute wild fool - nothing like the leader I looked up to as a child. In the first episode I honestly thought that the maximals were possessed by some kind of virus because of how they were acting. However, my main gripe with this series is with the major disservice done to the original characters of Beast Wars. Unlike this show, Beast Wars was also deep and philosophical in an effortless (non-forced) style. That show had incredible writers and voice actors who brought the characters and their stories to life. Allow me to begin by writing that Beast Wars will forever be one of the greatest parts of my childhood.